Book Review: Food Rules — Michael Pollan

Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual by Michael Pollan

You may have heard of Michael Pollan in connection with discussions about sustainability, farming, or organic food. He’s one of the premier writers on these topics, and put together Food Rules as a compendium of 64 simple rules on how and what to eat. Pollan believes that eating shouldn’t be complicated, so he boils the rules down to “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly vegetables.” Pollan argues that the modern supermarket makes it difficult for consumers to find real food (he calls most processed food “edible foodlike product”), so he offers tips: for example, shopping on the edges of the supermarket, where raw ingredients (vegetables, milk, etc.) are found. The rules aren’t too difficult to follow, because Pollan also advocates an everything-in-moderation approach to eating – for example, eat all the junk food you want, as long as you make it yourself. This quick read was enjoyable, humorous, and edifying.

I checked Food Rules out from the e-iNC Digital Library, Chatham County’s eBook and eAudiobook library. If you’re interested in downloading library eBooks, visit our digital library at The helpful librarians at CCL have also prepared step-by-step directions on downloading eBooks (PDF) available online. They also teach classes and can help you with your eReader or eBooks at the Reference Desk!

Food Rules is available as a library eBook from e-iNC Digital Library, and in print at Chatham Community Library.

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